Saturday, January 30, 2010

Swine flu could have been a disaster

Swine flu is no longer sickening very many people but that does not mean it is no longer newsworthy. On the contrary, in recent weeks a succession of critics have rounded on "happy-go-lucky" virologists, "headline-hungry" journalists and the World Health Organisation, accusing them of being variously dupes of the pharmaceutical industry or willing accomplices to pointless hysteria. Their crime? Hyping the pandemic that never was and thereby helping Big Pharma to a billion-dollar vaccine bonanza.

Leading the told-you-so's is Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, the former head of the Council of Europe's health committee, who this week tabled a motion in Strasbourg accusing the WHO of having "faked" the pandemic. Another is the Guardian's Simon Jenkins. In characteristically acerbic prose he rails against government scientists for peddling "drivel" about the tens of thousands of Britons who might have died this winter. That they didn't and that you and I are still alive shows that H1N1 is not the "Andromeda strain" long- predicted by scientists. "It was pure, systematic, government-induced panic," he writes. "Swine flu was a textbook case of a scare," concurs Christopher Booker in the Daily Telegraph.

Jenkins is a sharp and entertaining writer and when he accuses the media of playing "its joyful part" in propagating panic I have to admit the dart hits home: as a medical historian and expert on the 1918 "Spanish" influenza pandemic I was continually asked to comment on the parallels with swine flu last summer and no doubt added to the hype. But as all good schoolboys know, post hoc doesn't make propter hoc. Just because 65,000 Britons didn't die this winter does not mean that the computer models were wrong or that the Department of Health shouldn't have ordered 50m doses of Tamiflu, only that prognostications about pandemics, like prognostications about earthquakes, are not an exact science.

Writing in this paper last week, Tom Sheldon eloquently makes the point that predicting pandemics is a species of risk analysis and thus, by definition, subject to error. With better virological and epidemiological data perhaps the government wouldn't have stockpiled so much Tamiflu or ordered 90m doses of vaccine. But if it hadn't and armageddon had occurred, Jenkins would have been the first to call for the guillotining of the Chief Medical Officer.

I do not wish to labour the point but it seems to me that the backlash against swine flu is a species of conspiracy-thinking, one that wilfully misconstrues the role of science in the regulation of technologies of health which have brought so many benefits to society. In the same way that 9/11 denialists point to the collapse of World Trade Centre 7 to support their wacko theories about "controlled demolitions", swine flu denialists point to Donald Rumsfeld's position on the board of Gilead, the company that developed Tamiflu, to argue that the "panic" was got up by similar shadowy neo-conservative corporate interests. It is then a short step to seeing all such panics as conspiracies. Thus, according to the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, the vaccine is really a tool for culling inner-city black populations because of military leaders' concerns about pressures on the global food supply.

Similar conspiracy-thinking infects health advice websites that advise mothers not to give their children the swine flu jab because of the risk of rare side-effects, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome. In fact, according to the Institute of Medicine, the chances of contracting GBS from influenza vaccination is one or two per million. By comparison, a recent French study found that the risk of contracting GBS from naturally occurring influenza is four to seven out of every 100,000 cases. But that hasn't stopped NHS staff, who should know better, from shunning the swine flu vaccine. Nor, I am sorry to say, are such peer-reviewed studies likely to persuade the sort of people who continue to refuse to give their children the MMR vaccine because they once read somewhere that it might be linked to autism.


Swine flu could have been a disaster


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

WHO addresses handling of H1N1 at Council of Europe meeting

WHO addresses handling of H1N1 at Council of Europe meeting

During a Council of Europe meeting on Tuesday to address the WHO's handling of the H1N1 virus, the WHO said it had not "fallen under the sway of drugs firms and exaggerated the dangers of the H1N1 flu virus, but said it might have handled the crisis better," Reuters reports. "Critics say the WHO relied too much on advice from advisers in the pay of the pharmaceutical industry, triggering an internal review by the WHO and an inquiry by the Council of Europe, a pan European human rights watchdog," writes the news service (Reilhac, 1/26).

At the council meeting, Keiji Fukuda, special adviser on pandemic influenza to the director-general of WHO, defended the agency's response to H1N1, pointing out that "the WHO consulted with a range of experts, including those in the private sector, but that there were safeguards in place to prevent conflicts of interest," Deutsche Welle writes.

"These individuals are known to us and their participation in various WHO committees was looked at and we have not found anything inappropriate about what they did," Fukuda said. "The experts out there - the ones who really understand and who have knowledge - they may work with many different groups, including with industry. That link may mean that they provide advice which is inappropriate. It may not mean that they provide advice which is inappropriate" (Foulkes, 1/27).

"We are under no illusions that this response was the perfect response," Fukuda said during the hearing, the BBC reports. "But we do not wait until (these global virus outbreaks) have developed and we see that lots of people are dying. What we try and do is take preventive actions. If we are successful no-one will die, no-one will notice anything" (1/26).

CIDRAP reports on some of the criticisms voiced by health officials during the Council of Europe meeting and Fukuda's assurance that the organization would work to improve transparency during the pandemic response in the future (Schnirring, 1/26).


WHO addresses handling of H1N1 at Council of Europe meeting


Monday, January 18, 2010

Tamiflu - An Effective Treatment for A H1N1 ( swine flu)

by Celsey

What is swine flu? Swine flu or swine influenza is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the influenza A virus. Though swine flu normally only infects pigs but the 2009 outbreak involves a new H1N1 type A influenza strain. It contains genes from pig, bird and human flu viruses. The swine flu virus originated in Mexico in March 2009 and within a few months it has affected thousands of people in several countries across the world. Because of it being spread worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the 2009 outbreak of the new H1N1 flu to be a global pandemic. Swine flu strains can spread fast because no one has natural immunity and so it is easy to catch and transmit the disease.

Swine flu symptoms The symptoms of swine flu are similar to those reported in common flu. The severity of the symptoms depends on an individual's resistance levels and on the treatment being provided. Some of the commonly reported symptoms of swine flu include -

* Fever above 38?C (100.4?F) * Cough * Sore throat * Body aches * Chills * Headache

Symptoms of swine flu develop within 3 to 5 days after the victim is exposed to the virus. The symptoms continue for about 8 days, starting 1 day before the patient gets sick and continues until the patient has recovered. While some patients suffer mildly and recover within a week, in some patients the symptoms of swine flu may worsen, causing pneumonia and other chronic medical conditions. Thousands of people have died because of the aggravation of swine flu symptoms. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience headaches, fever or cold and if you develop symptoms after coming in contact with a person who has been exposed to the swine flu virus.

Swine flu prevention

* Maintain hygiene * Wash your hands frequently using soap or alcohol-based gel * Cover you face while sneezing or coughing * Stay away from crowds if possible. * Stay home if you fall sick to avoid infecting others * People who have or are suspected of having swine flu should wear a face mask

Swine flu treatment with Tamiflu Tamiflu oseltamivir is an oral antiviral drug belonging to the class of medicines called neuraminidase inhibitors. The drug is found to be effective against both Influenza A and Influenza B virus. The US FDA has also approved Tamiflu for the prevention and treatment of the swine flu virus.

The best way to get Tamiflu is to buy Tamiflu in online pharmacy For more information about Tamiflu or to buy Tamiflu

About the Author


Tamiflu - An Effective Treatment for A H1N1 ( swine flu)